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What is OctoCloud Delivery Note Feature

Delivery Note Feature | AKINSOFT OctoCloud Features

Delivery Note

Waybill; It is a document that is issued in the transportation of a good that has been sold or is about to be sold from one address to another or in the transportation of goods between workplaces belonging to the same enterprise and on which the subject, unit and who the goods belong to are written.

With OctoCloud Waybill module, you can track your purchase waybills and sales waybills. During the invoice processing of the product for which you have created the waybill, you can easily convert it into an invoice by copying it from the waybill. After the waybill is issued, it must be converted into an invoice within maximum 7 days.

With the waybill module reminders provided by OctoCloud, you can easily follow your waybill transactions without skipping.

By designing the printed delivery note form you use on the program, you can continue to issue delivery notes in the same form and print them from the printer.

You can update the price for the stocks you use in bulk, so you can invoice at different prices.

Note: The license of our end users who are e-Waybill taxpayers must include the Waybill module.

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